

The ALPHA: r 2 model portfolios represent our best ideas.

Voyager Asset Management believes that long-term returns are primarily driven by asset allocation. Our model portfolios are measured against the IA benchmarks, and we ensure that a range of risk metrics – including tracking error and Value at Risk – are within our permitted ranges.As well as ESG integration into all of our portfolios and a dedicated ‘ethical’ range, we believe our focus on risk management, drawn from the institutional fund management backgrounds of our portfolio managers, sets our models apart from our peers’.


We ensure our clients portfolios fully reflect their circumstances, wishes and requirements whilst remaining within their designated investment mandate. It is possible to deviate from the models, but in practice this only occurs when a client has specifically requested it because of CGT issues, treasured holdings or their own particular financial circumstances. 

We are unusual in that we offer discretionary investment management services with no minimum – and a bespoke service for accounts over £80,000. We believe the minimum size that our competitors require is far higher.

Execution Only

We offer execution-only service that is restricted to only the execution of trades, without the client receiving any advice about the merits or risks of the investments or their suitability.